Fisherman’s cabin

It is the first time that you have slept in a Tiny House, it it is truly a great surprise! This little abode with the appearance of a fisherman’s cabin, but with the comfort of a state-of-the-art mobile home, could be you dream place of retreat, for your countryside break needs. However, this morning, your young “fishermen” preferred to dash to the heated swimming pool, whilst their parents were making the most of their lie-in. The future belongs to those who get up early…

This afternoon, acting like a really good sleuth, you decree that it is too hot to fish. A good excuse for going to discover the medieval village of Castelnau-Barbarens, one of these little gems which dot the Gascon countryside. It only remains for you to register your children at the Nature Kids Club, delighted to escape from the walk. On the menu today, a treasure hunt in the countryside. Fishing will wait until tomorrow!

Since, according to the adage, “he who sleeps, does not fish”, you have decided to get out of your bed a little sooner. After all, you haven’t discovered the best campsite with a natural fishing lake in the Gers, not to cast your line. It’s the right time, your children are already playing by the lake, it only remains for you to find the right place for fish, shaded if possible, with a history of being able to have a siesta, if the fish are slow to bite.

Your children will love it! This small lake is more fish-rich than it appears. What times to share as a family, the impatience when faced with this float which does not plunge down, the excitement of the initial bites, the disappointment of the first times the rod unhooks, and the pride upon the first catch! What’s more, the fish that escapes the landing net, what a story! Yet you quickly put it back in the water. At Whaka Lodge, you fish on a “catch and release” basis.

At Carchet City, the children are not who you think they are. Upon arrival, you discover a group of Gers friends in good humour and talking, who are playing at being cowboys. Explosive! Yes on occasions you hear gun shots… You allow yourself be carried away by the atmosphere in the pure Western tradition of the 1860s: horses, scenes from a western, cantina boots, a saloon. A further nugget of this amazing Gers. And the children discover that they were on television - it just goes to show how wonderful the park is! “Hey Dad, how do cowboy’s fish? ”

“No Archie, we do not fish with Arrows in the lake at Whaka Lodge! ” Still all excited from his day with cowboys, your son wished to continue playing the story. To make up for it, you promise he can go to the live music evening taking place at the Food and Wine Bar. It is not country, but the evening atmosphere on the terraces promises a superb evening: a concert, tapas, and, why not, a dance evening. On holiday, time to celebrate!

After fishing, this leaves the way open for farm animals that move around, semi-freely, right in the middle of the small Gers valleys. With your urban routines, you tell yourself that it is important for your children to be able to connect to the rural world. It’s a done deal on the educational and ecological farm “Le Vallon des Rêves”, where no beast lacks appeal: hens, rabbits, goats, ducks, pigs, sheep, donkeys and cows. They are all there...to the greatest pleasure of the children!

For the last night, children have the right to ensure they have the kids special evening. Parents are prohibited. Around the brazier, your children are ecstatic with their skewer of grilled marshmallows, and it will enchant you to see them like this. From your fisherman’s cabin, you can make the most of it to taste the famous Armagnac of the region, which you have got this morning at the market.

In the end, you will not have done loads of fishing. This fisherman’s cabin by the lake, was however perfect for you to meet up as a family, and to increase the countryside activities and the precious moments where you can make the most of time with everyone. And according to your children, there are a lot of fish in the lake, which will give you plenty of opportunity to come back…to fish or build a cabin, what does it matter!